These are the Top 5 Recruiting Trends 2020

Updated on: 9. August 2024

The new year has come and many recruiters are asking themselves: What will the recruiting year 2020 bring? Which topics and developments will dominate? We have compiled 5 recruiting trends…

The new year has come and many recruiters are asking themselves: What will the recruiting year 2020 bring? Which topics and developments will dominate? We have compiled 5 recruiting trends that could completely change your view of recruiting.

For example, if the new Skilled Workers Immigration Act, which takes effect in March, mitigate the war for talent? After all, it is supposed to reduce the hurdles for foreign professionals to work in Germany. Recruiters, on the other hand, are looking more anxiously towards the UK: What consequences will Brexit have for the German labour market? Then there are changes in the law such as the introduction of the minimum wage for apprentices and, and, and. So many points you have to deal with…. With all this, there is hardly any time to deal with the latest digital trends in recruiting, right? But that is at least as important. Don’t worry, we’ve compiled them for you. Here we go.

Trend number one: the job ad is a performance tool

For example, the role of the job ad in recruitment is changing more and more. There are historical reasons for this: Recruiters used to only have the option of placing print job ads. Then came the internet revolution and changed pretty much everything. Today, there is no longer just one starting point in the job search, but many different ways to find out about and get in touch with an employer:

  • Online job advertisements
  • Employer rating portals
  • Company career website
  • Social Media
  • Job fairs 

With this changed routing of the candidate journey, the job ad is being transformed In other words, job ads can still generate a lot of attention because they can be shared across different channels. But many talents no longer apply directly to a job advertisement.

Recruiting trend number two: Candidate Centricity

The reason: job advertisements often do not provide all the desired information. As early as 2017, 76 per cent of applicants felt that the content of a job advertisement was no longer sufficient, according to the StepStone survey “Success factors in recruiting”. Since then, modern applicants have become even more self-confident and mature in their job search. They know from other online areas that they can find out even more with a few Not only about a service or a product – also about an employer.

That’s why 86 percent of job seekers research what information the web offers about an employer beyond the job ad. This is the result of the survey “Job Search in Times of Google for Jobs”, for which we interviewed around 3,000 participants in 2019. The Candidate Journey is thus becoming more and more like the Customer Journey: people first inform themselves on all possible channels and finally decide on the best option. This makes it all the more important to make potential new employees the pivotal point in recruiting and to make all points of contact with the company as pleasant as possible. There is now even an established term for this: Candidate Centricity – putting the candidate at the centre of everything we do.

Recruiting trend number three: A converting career site is the be-all and end-all

In the consumer sector, companies have been doing exactly that for a long time: Here, the customer has always been king. Employers are increasingly applying this principle to applicant management and promoting themselves as attractive employers. Experts call this employer branding – the development of an employer brand. This includes, for example, giving candidates the most transparent insights possible into their own company in order to stand out from other employers.

Nowhere is this better than on the career website page. Here, everything worth knowing can be brought together – about one’s own values, the corporate culture or career options. With a widget that can be easily integrated into the career page, companies can go one step further and even transparently integrate evaluations from employees and applicants.

This is a real service for talents, who then no longer have to painstakingly search for the relevant data and facts on employer evaluation portals. The positive side effect for employers: the bounce rate of candidates from the career homepage decreases and applications are received more quickly. This is how job prospects can be converted into applicants.

Recruiting Trend Nummer vier: Self Service im Employer Branding

Admittedly: In the past, a well-designed career homepage was a cost-intensive affair, especially for smaller and medium-sized players, and usually an external agency had to be commissioned. In the meantime, however, there are modular systems with which recruiters can put together their own career website without any prior knowledge. Self-service, so to speak.

The result is highly professional and offers:

  • Automatic synchronisation of all job postings
  • Integration of applicant feedback
  • Be found faster through search engine optimisation
  • Website in corporate design
  • Mobile-optimised career site in responsive design
  • Integration of Google Maps
  • Evaluation of key figures

This should make the applications just bubble up.

Recruiting trend number five: Recruiting Analytics

Now it’s time to stay on the ball and offer candidates perfect candidate management processes once they have received their applications. Employers should also put this at the top of their recruiting agenda in 2020. All too often, companies lose candidates again after they have applied to them. For example, by reacting too slowly after receiving an application. 58 percent of candidates have already abandoned the application process because of this, as our application report shows.

This makes it all the more important to always keep an eye on your own recruiting performance and to evaluate the relevant key figures. Keyword: recruiting analytics. A reporting tool integrated into the in-house applicant management system helps here. With this tool, a multitude of standardised reports can be generated at the push of a button.

For example, in these areas:

  • Time to Hire
  • Application receipt by channel
  • Evaluation of reasons for refusal

In addition, recruiters can compile and save individual reports with just a few clicks. This gives them valuable knowledge about the state of their recruiting and applicant management and allows them to derive tailor-made measures to make their own workflows even more efficient and applicant-friendly. Mission accomplished.

softgarden wishes you a successful recruiting year 2020. Are you wondering how we can support you in putting the recruiting trends 2020 into practice? Try our system for free. Recruiting trend number three: A converting career site is the be-all and end-all

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