

About softgarden
We provide the software to turn prospects into applicants. In doing so, we apply highly efficient e-commerce principles to recruiting and thus optimally pick up interested parties.
With our software, employers create more reach and attract more job prospects. Through better employer branding and employee referrals, even passive candidates become applicants. The unique Feedback Solution encourages candidates and employees to share reviews about their employer publicly. This creates an authentic overall picture and strengthens the employer brand. With the help of the applicant management system, HR managers can express their appreciation for applications by responding to them quickly. Hiring Managers are brought on board thanks to the app and decisions are made faster and more reliably.
Together with absence.io, a provider of internal HR process solutions acquired in 2021, softgarden has over 3,500 customers. softgarden is active in the DACH region as well as in other European markets such as Spain and France.
At a glance
work at three locations in Berlin, Saarbrücken and Nice.
2 Million
are processed
by our software.
use our recruiting platform and services.
The softgarden Team

Are you interested in the future of recruiting and would you like to support a young, cosmopolite team in the field of HR software?
Our Story
softgarden is founded
Stefan Schüffler and Dominik Faber found softgarden in Saarbrücken to develop websites. From 2003 onwards, they concentrate fully on the development of an applicant management software.
The first major customer
O2 Germany is the first big ticket to come on board. Within one year, more than 1,000 new team members are hired with softgarden’s applicant management software.
softgarden joins forces with 1000jobboersen.de
This allows our clients to post the right job ads on over 300 job portals.
Unique Feedback Solution published
A head start through employer branding: with our Feedback Solution, companies automatically collect reviews from applicants and employees, which are displayed on the career page and Google. In this way, our customers create trust and transparency among potential employees.
Development of the mobile app for decision-makers
In this way, managers from the specialist departments are also involved in the decision-making process on a mobile basis. Since then, our customers have reduced their time-to-hire by up to 60 percent.
Career Site Pro is published
Create career pages using the building block principle: best practises from online marketing, independent of developers, optimised for search engines. Thanks to the seamless integration of assessments and applicant management, the career page becomes the heart of the candidate journey.
softgarden wins the HR Excellence Award 2019 and is awarded as the best HR software.
softgarden has grown by 33 per cent to 112 employees this year to position itself for the future
softgarden is growing!
softgarden has cracked the thousand mark and is one of the top innovation leaders in talent acquisition and applicant management with more than 1,000 customers (+300 in 2020) across Europe.
With teams working together remotely in Berlin, Saarbruecken, Krakow, Nice and for the Spanish market, softgarden digitises and innovates employers and offers numerous new features such as free video interviews or even the Smart Calendar.
softgarden acquires absence.io
Since August the software provider absence.io, which stands for intelligent digital solutions for the management of internal HR processes, belongs to softgarden. With this acquisition softgarden expands its portfolio by further HR -relevant functions beyond recruitment. Together with the customers of absence.io, softgarden has more than 1,600 customers after the acquisition. This makes the company one of the largest HR tech players in Europe.
softgarden stands out as Core Leader in European Talent Acquisition Suites
softgarden has been selected as a Core Leader in the 2022 Fosway Group 9-Grid™ for Talent Acquisition and Recruiting. The independent evaluation of the analysts confirms the quality of softgarden as a candidate acquisition solution.
softgarden is acquired by Grupa Pracuj
In May 2022, Grupa Pracuj, the leading HR technology platform in Central and Eastern Europe, acquired softgarden and abence.io. softgarden remains independent but with solid tailwinds to further develop products and services. The group offers best-in-class technology for the recruitment, retention and development of employees and is a key player in shaping the future of the HR market.
softgarden in the press

Honours & Awards