The Top 5 Benefits of Recruitment Software

Updated on: 18. December 2024

With an ever changing job market and an ever developing field of e-recruitment strategies, it’s not exactly easy to find and hire today’s top candidates. Particularly if you’re a small…

With an ever changing job market and an ever developing field of e-recruitment strategies, it’s not exactly easy to find and hire today’s top candidates. Particularly if you’re a small company hoping to compete for the industry’s much sought young professionals.

Fortunately with a little help from technology the hiring process can become both easier and more effective for everyone. Today we’re going to have a look at recruitment software and how it can help you to find and hire the talent you’re looking for.

1. Professional Branding

From job ads to the application process, the company career site to communications… Recruitment software provides you with design tools to ensure that every aspect of your hiring process is professionally branded. This means that users can edit, upload and customise aspects such as logos, font, company colours with relative ease.

The result? You’re not only more likely to receive more applications, but better quality candidates to boot. Apart from standing out from the crowd, a well branded ad will tempt equally professional candidates.

2. More Time

The regular hiring process tends to throw up a number of hurdles along the way i.e. perhaps a key resume goes missing or the team disagrees on an applicant. Or more commonly, in the time it took to collect and sort applications, HR took too long to respond and subsequently lost some potential candidates.

Recruitment software is built on years of extensive research and HR knowledge, therefore pretty much all the little niggles of the recruiting process have been considered and resolved along the way (including all of the above).

The end effect is a forward thinking recruitment system that saves you the time and hassle of recruitment mishaps. It’s quicker, easier and more organised for both you and your candidates.

3. Access at All Times

Unlike a professional recruiter, a recruitment system is available 24/7 at no extra cost. No matter where you are or what time it is you can access your account at stay on top of what’s going on.

This applies to anyone with access to the system, meaning that even those who are working remotely can log in and stay up to date on recent applications or developments. When recruiting from abroad, it’s similarly useful for dealing with candidates operating on a different time scale.

4. Wider Reach

When you choose to use recruitment software you don’t generally end up with software alone. Alongside it comes an extensive directory of outlets on which to advertise your job ads, including the most popular job boards to niche or even free boards.

Recruitment software also can be used to create a professional career site, plus it encourages you to make the most of your social media outlets. The end effect is a wider selection of areas on which to post your ads, where your target market will see them.

Apropos, softgarden have recently teamed up with job posting experts, as a result we’re now even better equipped to recommend the boards to suit you. Whether your looking for Sales professionals, tech interns or a new CEO we’ve got it covered.

5. Communication

Lack of communication is never ideal, and no more so than when you need to decide on the latest addition to your team. Unfortunately it’s pretty easy for wires to get crossed it the recruiting process, that’s why recruitment software provides extra collaboration tools.

The softgarden process for example, works similarly to a group of Facebook friends commenting on a photo. The hiring team can rate, comment and discuss an applicant directly on their candidate profile. This way everyone gets a clearer idea of who the applicant is even if they weren’t present during interview.

The communication benefits also extend to your candidates, since the system comes equipped with professional templates to deal with everything from automated responses to rejection letters. Ideally none of your candidates will feel ignored, and it doesn’t require any extensive preparation.

softgarden Recruitment Software

Intrigued? softgarden is free to use for 14 day, no obligation, no credit card required. Register today and see how recruitment software can help you to streamline your hiring process. Sign up here for a free trial

Image Reference – Flickr MetamorphBiz

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