Using your talent pool efficiently – some advice

Updated on: 13. June 2024

Congratulation! Some of you are sitting in front of a pool full of resources! No, probably not a pool full of money, like Scrooge McDuck, but a pool full of…

Congratulation! Some of you are sitting in front of a pool full of resources! No, probably not a pool full of money, like Scrooge McDuck, but a pool full of talents: also known as talent pool!

Some of you keep candidates who did not match the criteria of an open position completey but who are still excellent candidates in a specific data base. Such talent pool is a popular tool within an applicant tracking software. The candidates were already interested in working for you and you also think they might be the right ones for your company. This might save time and money because both of you already had time for the first impression. But how to use the talent pool most efficiently?

Here are three examples how to keep your talented fishes in the pool happy.

1. Keep your fishes awake and their data up-to-date – Ask your talents if you are allowed to keep their data in the pool and invite them to update them frequently! Well, not you personally…a professional applicant tracking system takes care of this job automatically.

2. Let your talented fishes grow – Let your talents know about other open vacancies or career advices with a frequently newsletter.
“Another newsletter?” – some of you may ask.
“If a candidate was already interested in your company, he will be happy to hear that he is part of an exclusive and active talent pool!” – is our answer! 😉

3. Invite them to a special pool party – You have the choice to go fishing once again in the deep blue sea or to take care of your valuable talents in your pool. A little “pool party” shows them your high regards and builds a strong relationship in the long term. This can be an invitation to a workshop or to another recruiting event.

So spend a little more time on your talent pool, take care of it and go fishing…sounds like a nice advice, what do you think? 😉

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