The perfect job advertisement

Updated on: 9. August 2024

Who is still publishing job ads in print media? Right, scarcely anybody. The nearly unlimited scope of online job boards substituted print media as efficient posting channel for already quite…

Who is still publishing job ads in print media? Right, scarcely anybody. The nearly unlimited scope of online job boards substituted print media as efficient posting channel for already quite a while now. However the job ads still look like they were designed for the pre-digital world. As follow up to our session at the HR BarCamp we used this fact as an opportunity to work on the perfect job advertisement which is specifically made for the internet. The internet offers you many more possibilities to advertise your job ads than print. So why are you still limiting your job postings?

What is the perfect job advertisement?

Computers, tablets, and smartphones

In the meantime there are so many different devices you can use to browse the internet, not only the computer. The perfect job ad has to look good on any device, it has to be designed responsively.


Before potential candidates apply they would like to know what kind of place they would be working in. Show them. Do not make use of stock photo, the perfect job ad is convincing with real photos of your office which truly show your applicants how your office looks like.


A future employee does not only works for a company but much more for the people in the company. Therefore the perfect job ad got personalized and focuses not only on the company but also on the hiring manager, as this is the person the candidate will manly be working for.

Social Media

Make use of the power of social media. By integrating Facebook and Twitter the perfect job ad directly shows who already liked the company and which of the candidate’s friends might already work for the company.

Online presence

You most likely have a great corporate website but why letting the applicant search for it in the internet? Direct links in the perfect job ad guide him to your website and social media pages. Make it as easy as possible for potential candidates to get in touch with you.

Other positions

Leave it up to the applicant to choose for the right position. This job might not perfectly fit but with the perfect job ad you convinced him of your company. So offer him other similar positions directly in the advertisement.


Show the candidates where they would be working. If they need to move because of the new job this is an important information. The perfect job ad shows on a map where the office can be found including some information about the neighbourhood. Do not make them search your website for the address.

We suggest you to have a look on the perfect job ad yourself. Does it look like you expected it? Let us know what you think about it in the comments. We are looking forward to a lively discussion.

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