LIVE-WEBINARStellenanzeigen, die rocken, am 10. April um 10:00 Uhr. Jetzt kostenlos anmelden


Stellenanzeigen, die rocken, am 10. April um 10:00 Uhr.

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What will be the future of the office?

Updated on: 11. January 2025

Home office – good or bad?

We asked applicants and HR managers what they think about the home office. What are the pros and cons from both perspectives?

Hybrid work- compromise or perfect solution?

How do applicants and HR managers view hybrid working? Who is enthusiastic, who is not, and what challenges do employers expect in terms of work and office organization as well as health and safety?

Learning „remote working“

Only 1/4 of the companies have implemented training programs that fit employees for remote work. What hardware and software are needed, and what makes for successful team collaboration?

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