Looking for a job at your company should be easy

Updated on: 18. December 2024

Put yourself in a candidate’s position. You are looking for a job and are searching different websites for interesting vacancies. You find an exciting company and you click through the…


Put yourself in a candidate’s position. You are looking for a job and are searching different websites for interesting vacancies. You find an exciting company and you click through the complicated criteria list. Very often you have to choose criteria which do not really suit you. At the end, you are get a message saying that, unfortunately, there aren’t any results matching your profile.

You may try another time because the company still seems very interesting. You have to get through all the sites and criteria lists a second time, but this time with slightly different input. But the result is the same! How likely are you to try it a third time? More than likely the search stops right then and the candidate leaves your career website.

A career site should enable the candidate to find a job within just three clicks. The search engine should be easy to use, intuitive, and transparent. And very important: It should never lead your candidates to an “no result” page. When you setup your own career site, avoid pages without any results matching the criteria the candidates filled in. Try to offer results that are similar to the candidates’ criteria. This improves the candidate’s experience and, if they apply for the job, it will be a win-win situation.

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