Not finding the right candidate for the required starting date is a big problem within recruiting. We admit that a professional recruiting software cannot guarantee that the required deadline is met but we are sure that it can reduce the time-to-hire enormously.
The main reason for missing the deadline is that many different people are involved in the recruiting process. Not only the recruiter but also the specific department and sometimes even the workers council. All their opinions have to be included so that the recruiting process gets more and more complicated which costs a lot of extra time. Here comes the recruiting software into place and optimizes your recruiting process.
Here are two examples for you to shorten your time-to-hire. A professional recruiting software can operate the time management. In a defined workflow the single steps which needs to be done are set. At the beginning of the application period the recruiter creates a workflow and the recruiting software automatically reminds him on the next steps and deadlines after an action has been completed. The single steps can be displayed on a dashboard and the recruiter is able to switch to the workflow of every single candidate. That’s how you make sure that any important task is done. This is the end of puzzling the whole mail correspondence of a candidate just to check which is the next step within the recruiting process.
Another problem for the recruiter might be that he has to wait for the feedback of the hiring manager. This problem can be easily solved with an automatic reminder sent by mail which is part of the recruiting software. The reminder is active until the department has sent his feebback. When the feedback is done the recruiting software initiates the next recruiting step.
In the end we are convinced of the fact that a recruiting software is able to save you time and optimizes your workflow. These makes your work more comfortable and increases the candidates’ experience.
If you would like to find out more about how you can accelerate your recruiting processes and increase their efficiency, visit our page Speed, Efficiency and Convenience in Recruiting !