Digitalization with softgarden
Digitize Your Recruiting and Attract Top Talents
In today’s competitive landscape, the race for top talents is fiercer than ever. Fast, efficient and straightforward recruiting processes can make all the difference – softgarden’s digital recruiting solutions are your key to success. By leveraging these tools, you can give your company a decisive edge.
1,600+ companies rely on softgarden, including
Recruiting Challenges: Speed and Expectations Are Increasing
As a recruiter, you face many challenges. The skills shortage is growing and top talents expect employers to be digitally advanced.
- Recognize that the war for talent is becoming more intense?
- Want to use digital recruiting tools but are unsure which ones to choose?
- Wonder how your team will adapt to new processes?
- Worry about whether digital recruiting solutions provide enough data protection?
- Think the transition might be too complex?

Digital Recruiting with softgarden: Simplify Your Workflow!
„We received 180 applications in the four months following the launch. In the same period last year, we received just five. This allowed us to fill our new positions with top candidates quickly.“

Recruiting with softgarden: More Digital, More Efficient, More Successful

93 %
of our customers say that softgarden has helped them with digitization
Users use softgarden every day
2 million
quick & easy application processes are carried out with softgarden every year

Excellent support
Always at your service!
Your recruiting can do more. Show it – with softgarden
Set up optimally, hire better: Use the advantages of digitalization for your recruiting and attract the best talent for your company.
You have what it takes – and we have the tools