A career website in one week

The financial comparison portal faces tough competition for talented developers and technology-savvy consultants. Together with softgarden, the company has comprehensively reformed its recruiting process.

About is an independent online comparison portal for instalment loans and private financial products that aims to bring transparency to the credit market. The platform combines technology and consulting expertise. Around 370 employees work at the Hamburg, Berlin, Munich and Braunschweig sites. As a technology company, the finance comparison portal primarily employs developers, but also around 200 employees working in consulting, for example bankers.

General conditions

Size: 380 Employees
Customer since: 2018
Wanted job profiles: Developers and consultants with a good technical understanding and digital mindset as well as expertise and interest in financial products

We deliberately didn’t go through an agency. softgarden is a company that specializes in recruiting. I’m dealing with the provider of the Pro career site, so I’m dealing with a specialist. That cannot be overestimated. In our most important applicant group, the consultants, we generate 40 percent through employee referrals. The quality of applicants from employee referrals is much higher. Two thirds of applicants stay longer, have a low fluctuation rate and the hiring rate is also higher than for applicants who come via passive sourcing.”

Youth Wilken, Head of Recruiting at

Optimize your career page – but how?

In recruiting, competes intensively with other tech companies as well as with banks. Above all, developers and consultants with affinity and experience in the financial sector are needed. The company has to fight for technology specialists in particular. A flexible, modern and convincing career site is therefore crucial.

Before working with softgarden, had worked in the traditional way with its careers page and operated a static landing page with a connection to the job board. “The solution was inflexible and no longer did justice to the central function of the careers page,” recalls Head of Recruiting Youth Wilken.

With this in mind, launched softgarden’s Karriereseite Pro at the end of 2019. Recruiters can use the tool to create convincing career pages without prior knowledge – without an external agency and without support from the internal marketing and/or IT department. opted for the softgarden solution in order to become more independent and flexible in the design of its careers page. This is important because the financial and technology sector is changing rapidly and must be able to react to changes at any time. Thanks to the drag-and-drop system of the softgarden career site Pro, the recruiting department can now determine the content and design itself and adapt the site flexibly.

Utilize the full potential of a career site – with the softgarden career site Pro had previously worked successfully with softgarden for many years in the areas of applicant management and referral and feedback management.

The financial comparison portal therefore did not need any internal or external design and development resources to develop the career site. After all, softgarden was one of the few specialist providers. For most agencies that offer career websites, this is just one of many products. As a result, there is a lack of specialist recruiting knowledge.

From project start to go-live, implementation at took about a week (concept, domain connection, technical implementation). The main effort consisted of developing a concept: “Of course we had to think beforehand about what candidates would be looking for on the site: How do they move around? What information do they want and where?” reports Wilken.

With the softgarden career site Pro, underlines its candidate-oriented approach. In this way, the company is managing to hold its own in a difficult job market despite the worsening shortage of skilled workers. As a financial technology company, benefits from digitalization, but will need even more developers and IT consultants in the future.

Steep career path: faster time to hire, twice as many applications has once again significantly improved its recruiting with the Pro career site. The financial experts now manage their new career site more independently and agilely and can change it quickly according to their needs. The company communicates its day-to-day work and its evaluations transparently and now benefits from recruiting and employer branding from a single source.

  • More independent and agile: now manages its career site much faster and does not need an external consultant to do so.
  • Manage more flexibly and independently: Changes to the employee application process can now be implemented without a ticket or developer.
  • Creating trust with transparency and excellence: The new careers page is very well received by candidates, especially the authentic presentation of everyday working life. The transparent presentation of the above-average score on the employer platform kununu (4.5/5 – industry average: 3.88/5) also impressed the candidates.
  • Recruiting and employer branding from a single source: now combines several modules from softgarden for recruiting and employer branding from a single source.

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