Simplifies day-to-day work for recruiters

AI recruitment with softgarden: Developed for people

Post jobs faster and more efficiently
Create attractive job ads in seconds
Design target group-specific career pages with ease
Analyse incoming applications at the blink of an eye

3427 reviews

Photograph of a futuristically dressed woman with a tablet PC in her hand

Recruiting expertise meets AI

Our AI recruitment solutions are based on over 20 years of experience in the digitalization of recruiting processes. AI from softgarden makes your day-to-day work easier and supports you with intelligent functions – because you are the recruitment expert, AI is your tool.

This is how we master the challenges of modern recruiting together: easy, efficiently and always with the security of the highest data protection standards.

How AI from softgarden simplifies your daily recruiting routine

Applicant management

Using AI in personnel selection

Discover applicant management software

AI Matching by softgarden visually highlights applications with a high suitability

Applicant Management

Create jobs with AI support

Discover applicant management software

AI supports the creation of job postings by prepopulating fields

Multi posting

Create job ads with AI

The Chat-GPT integration creates suggestions for job advert texts straight in the interface

Career Page

Designing a career website with AI

Discover career page

Die KI-Funktionalität ist direkt in den Seiten-Editor integriert und kann dort auf Wunsch aktiviert werden

Certified quality

Maximum security for a good feeling

Ongoing quality assurance

We are certified to ISO 9001 and ISO 27001. This means that DEKRA softgarden stands for high product and service quality. The continuous improvement of quality is our top priority

Certified safety standards

Our servers are hosted in ISO/IEC 27001-certified data centers in Germany. They offer the highest security standards for the storage and availability of your data – and the data of your applicants.

Working in compliance with the GDPR

softgarden offers you the opportunity to map your recruiting processes in compliance with GDPR – also confirmed by an external data protection assessment.

Learn more about data protection at softgarden

Die Illustration zeigt zwei Personen, von denen eine auf einem großen Vorhängeschloss sitzt und die andere einen Schlüssel hält
DEKRA certified: Quality management, information security management ISO9001, ISO/IEC 27001


AI recruitment with softgarden

Eine Person die ein Headset trägt blickt lächelnd in die Kamera

Any questions?

AI recruitment refers to the use of artificial intelligence in the recruitment process. Many recruiting tasks can be automated and optimised through the use of algorithms and machine learning.

People are at the centre of every recruitment process – and this is exactly where our intelligent AI solutions come in. They support you with efficient processes and data-supported analyses so that you can make even better decisions. This frees up valuable time for the essentials: personal interviews and selecting the best candidates.

The use of AI recruitment opens up numerous opportunities to increase the efficiency and quality of recruitment. Specific fields of application include, for example

  • Automation of routine tasks, e.g. the creation of job ads or the screening of applications
  • Improving personnel selection, e.g. matching candidate profiles, analysing application documents or evaluating video interviews
  • Optimisation of the candidate experience, e.g. through chatbots or automated personalised emails

AI in personnel selection is often used with the aim of speeding up the selection process.

AI supports recruiters by comparing the requirements of the job posting with the content of incoming applications as well as incorporating experience from past successful hiring processes. As it is based on clearly defined criteria and rules, it reduces the risk of discrimination and ensures a fair selection.

Important: AI only plays a supporting role, the human recruiter always makes the final decision.

The AI-supported creation and optimisation of texts for job ads and career pages is based on the use of OpenAI ChatGPT. Since no personal data is collected or processed here – unless entered by the recruiter – the use is fully GDPR-compliant.

Our AI matching feature is based on a proprietary machine learning model that has been trained exclusively with anonymised data. In this way, we also ensure compliance with the GDPR in this case.