Accessibility Reinforcement Act: How it will impact recruiting from 2025

Updated on: 10. September 2024

Accessible websites are becoming mandatory for companies. With these tips, you can achieve the optimal implementation for your career site and your recruiting - in good time and with ease.

A person with a white long cane and sunglasses crosses a pedestrian bridge

From 2025, the Accessibility Reinforcement Act (BFSG) will also make companies more accountable: while the websites of public authorities have already had to be accessible for several years, this has not yet applied to private actors. From next year, the requirements will now also apply to companies – and their recruiting channels.

Legal background: Accessibility in Germany and Europe

The EU adopted the European Accessibility Act (EAA) in 2019. In Germany, this directive was already transposed into national law in 2021 with the Barrierefreiheitsstärkungsgesetz (Accessibility Reinforcement Act). These accessibility requirements apply to products and services that are introduced after 28.06.2025.

By 28.06.2025 at the latest, numerous products and services must be accessible, including online retail, hardware, software, interregional passenger transport and banking services.

What does my company need to do now?

You should adapt your website and especially your careers page now. The requirements for website accessibility are complex and implementation takes time. In addition, you risk severe penalties for non-compliance, including exclusion from the market.

Accessible career site with softgarden and Eye-Able

The good news: softgarden already has the perfect complement to your softgarden career site – the digital assistance software from Eye-Able.

The solution follows the “Four Principles of Accessibility (WCAG)” from 2023 – the gold standard for accessible websites. The core function is intelligent font enlargement. It enables barrier-free access without destroying the layout of the website.

Further highlights for barrier-free recruiting are:

  • Automatic website check
  • Read aloud function
  • Color filters and contrast adjustments

You can find more information on the softgarden Marketplace: Eye-Able Software Solutions for Accessibility

Accessible recruiting: The benefits for your recruiting

The Accessibility Reinforcement Act not only poses new challenges for recruiters, but also offers them a number of benefits

Accessibility is not only a question of social responsibility, but also offers your company tangible benefits:

  • Larger target group: You reach qualified applicants that you might otherwise miss out on and can therefore fill positions more quickly
  • Positive image: You position yourself as an open and inclusive company and increase your attractiveness as an employer.
  • Legal certainty: You minimize the risk of reprimands and fines.
  • Improved usability: An accessible website is generally clearer and more user-friendly – even for people without disabilities.
  • Innovative strength: You show that you are forward-thinking and use new technologies.

Implement the requirements of the Barrier-Free Reinforcement Act with softgarden today and position yourself as a pioneer in the field of barrier-free recruiting!

Visit the softgarden Marketplace now: softgarden Marketplace

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