Digitize your recruiting and win the best talent

The race for the best talent has never been as tough as it is today. Fast, simple and efficient processes make the difference – and digital recruiting solutions from softgarden are the key. Use them in a targeted manner and give your company a decisive advantage.

1,600+ companies rely on softgarden, including

Challenges in recruiting: the pace is increasing – as are expectations

As a recruiter, you don’t have it easy: while the skills shortage continues to worsen, top talents expect employers to be perfectly positioned digitally.


  • have realized that the war for talent is becoming increasingly fierce?
  • want to use digital recruiting tools, but don’t know exactly which ones?
  • are wondering how your employees will react to new processes?
  • are unsure whether digital recruiting solutions offer sufficient data protection?
  • think that the changeover might be too complex?

Digital recruiting with softgarden:Make your life easier!

Adjust well, set new records

Secure a decisive advantage, achieve your hiring goals and move your entire company forward.

Reach far, reach more talents

Increase your reach, find more talent and build a valuable pool of applicants.

Figures that pay off

Measure your progress with various recruiting KPIs and optimize your processes more precisely and efficiently than ever before.

Recruiting and relaxing

Automations simplify your day-to-day recruiter work and make your life easier.

Recruiting is a team effort

With softgarden you improve internal cooperation, strengthen team spirit and increase the motivation of your employees.

Missed out on talent? Never again!

Convince even the most sought-after talents and keep them in the company for longer.

„We received 180 applications in the four months following the launch. In the same period last year, we received just five. This meant that we were able to fill our new positions with top candidates within a short space of time.“

Sascha Schubert

Deputy Managing Director
Federal Association of German Startups e.V.

Recruiting with softgarden: More digital, more efficient and more successful

Win top candidates with first-class processes

Convince with attractive job campaigns and an efficient decision-making process.

Convince with style and transparency

Create a search engine optimized career page in your company’s corporate design and include automatically generated employer reviews.

Show off your best side

Your image as an employer not only determines whether competitive applicants switch to you. It also determines whether your employees stay.

Your job ad on 1200+ job boards

Place your vacancy on four free job boards and maximize your reach by multiposting with international job boards and the softgarden network.

Software Advice awarded softgarden the ‘Best Customer Support’ category in 2022

Excellent support
Always at your service!

Free support via phone, chat or email
Dedicated Customer Success Agent
No hidden costs
Unlimited users

Your recruiting can do more. Show it – with softgarden

Set up optimally, hire better: Use the advantages of digitalization for your recruiting and attract the best talent for your company.

You have what it takes – and we have the tools

14 days free trial
No obligation & no credit card required
Personal support included
FOSWAY GROUP 9-Grid. Core Leader 2023 for Talent Acquisition and Recruiting.

3151 reviews